UNFPA Annual Report 2002
In this annual report, we draw attention to the many different ways in which UNFPA is working to reduce poverty by meeting reproductive health needs…
Read publicationFinancial Resource Flows For Population Activities 2003
The goals of the Millennium Declaration and the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) gender equality and universal…
Read publicationIt Takes 2
Partnering with men is emerging as an important strategy for improving reproductive health. This new publication offers guidance on effective and…
Read publicationObstetric Fistula Needs Assessment
UNFPA partnered with EngenderHealth to conduct a first-ever study on the occurrence of fistula in nine countries in sub-Saharan Africa (Benin, Chad,…
Read publicationHIV and Infant Feeding
The purpose of this HIV and Infant Feeding Framework for Priority Action is to recommend to governments key actions, related to infant and young…
Read publicationThe Male Latex Condom
The male latex condom is a simple, low-cost device, but because lives depend on it, it has to meet demanding performance requirements. This technical…
Read publicationPreventing HIV Infection, Promoting Reproductive Health
Previously known as AIDS Update, this is the 12th annual publication to provide information about actions taken by UNFPA, the United Nations…
Read publicationState of World Population 2003
Some 1.2 billion people--one person in five--are between ages 10 and 19, the largest number of adolescents in history. Half of them are poor; one in…
Read publicationAdolescents: Profiles in Empowerment
More than 1 billion girls and boys around the world are in their second decade of life. About 85 per cent of these young people live in developing…
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