UNFPA established and equipped 11 emergency delivery centers in Gaza. Hubs offer safe delivery services to women in remote areas; 2 hubs were attacked and closed. UNFPA is procuring critically needed equipment, medications and medical consumables to contribute to maintaining the function of the health system and assist female IDPs.
UNFPA has supported mobile health team by the Palestinian Medical Relief Society (PMRS) to provide RH services to and distribute dignity kits to IDPs.
UNFPA is the lead organization of the Gender Based violence (GBV) sub working group is leading efforts towards joint response to GBV issues among IDP women and adolescent girls.
UNFPA supported a youth campaign ‘SAHREK SH'ABAK - Join Your People,’ to distribute hygiene/dignity kits to IDPs and provide psychosocial
UNFPA continues to work with MoH to strengthen maternal mortality surveillance system.
UNFPA has completed a rapid RH assessment of the impact of the Israeli attack on RH status in Gaza. Two other studies on the impact on GBV and Youth are about to be concluded. UNFPA, in collaboration with MoH and other agencies, is focusing humanitarian response on new key vulnerabilities and needs particularly IDPs and Women. *OCHA GAZA Crisis Appeal Report, September 2014.