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Communication for Development

This new publication summarizes discussions from the Eighth Roundtable on Communication for Development Roundtable (Managua, 2001) on strategies to…

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Global Population and Water

In the Plan of Implementation of the World Summit on Sustainable Development, Governments were committed to achieving the internationally agreed…

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Making Safe Motherhood a Reality in West Africa

For too long, efforts to reduce maternal mortality stalled, in part because the facts underlying the problem --and the best strategies to address it…

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Population, Reproductive Health and the Millennium Development Goals

This publication highlights the importance of the ICPD Programme of Action, the discussions and subsequent experience and agreements as we mobilize…

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Second Meeting of the Working Group for the Prevention and Treatment of Obstetric Fistula

UNFPA leads a coalition of organizations committed to the prevention and treatment of fistula, an isolating disability that results from unrelieved…

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Achieving the Millennium Development Goals

The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), arising from the Millennium Summit in September 2000, are the overarching development objectives of the…

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Women War Peace

Commissioned by the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), this colorful book examines the progress made in implementing the United…

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Financial Resource Flows For Population Activities 2002

Population dynamics and reproductive health are central to development and must be an integral part of development planning and poverty…

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Donor Support for Contraceptives and Condoms for STI/HIV Prevention 2002

Since 1990, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has been monitoring trends and gaps between estimated needs and actual donor support to…

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