Delivering Supplies When Crisis Strikes
Reproductive Health in Humanitarian Settings
Number of pages: 64
Publication date: 12 Nov 2018
Author: UNFPA
Publisher: UNFPA
Number of pages: 64
Publication date: 12 Nov 2018
Author: UNFPA
Publisher: UNFPA
UNFPA responds to emergencies in some of the world’s poorest countries, delivering life-saving sexual and reproductive health supplies and services to protect the rights, safety and dignity of women and young people affected by crises. In 2017, UNFPA reached 17 million people in 58 countries with humanitarian assistance.
UNFPA is the global manager of emergency reproductive health kits. Prepackaged and ready for immediate dispatch to meet urgent requests, they range from a one-woman kit for clean delivery to referral-level kits to serve 150,000 people over three months.
In the last decade, UNFPA’s humanitarian activities have grown exponentially. In this collection, country experiences showcase UNFPA’s work to ensure supplies and services when crisis strikes:
Prepositioning of supplies
Asia and the Pacific
South Sudan
Mobile health teams
The Democratic Republic of the Congo
Health systems and supply chains