Statements & Speeches

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  • 25 Nov 2002
  • Statement

Statement to the National Press Club, in Washington D.C.

I am pleased to be here today at the National Press Club. I would like to thank the President of Population Communications International, David Andrews, for inviting me. It is an honour to share the…

Statement to the National Press Club, in Washington D.C.


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  • 21 Nov 2002
  • Statement

"Keeping the Promise, Moving Forward", Statement to the 2002 International Parliamentarian's Conference on the Implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action, in Ottawa, Canada: 21-22 November 2002

Introduction Good morning everyone and welcome to the first global parliamentarians conference on the implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action since the Hague Forum in 1999. I would like to…

"Keeping the Promise, Moving Forward", Statement to the 2002…


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  • 13 Nov 2002
  • Statement

"ICPD: Keeping the Promise", Keynote Statement at the IPPF 50th Anniversary in New Delhi

I would like to thank my good friend, Steven Sinding, the very capable new Director-General of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), for inviting me to deliver the keynote speech to…

"ICPD: Keeping the Promise", Keynote Statement at the IPPF 50th…


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  • 29 Oct 2002
  • Statement

"How Can We Bridge Social And Economic Divides In A Globalizing World?", Plenary Statement at University for a Night, Synergos Institute, in New York.

Good evening everyone. I would like to thank Peggy Dulany, S Bruce Shearer and The Synergos Institute for inviting me here tonight. I must admit that bridging the social and economic divides in our…

"How Can We Bridge Social And Economic Divides In A Globalizing World?…


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  • 15 Oct 2002
  • Statement

"Gender and HIV/AIDS: Reinforcing the National Response", Statement at the Fifth Regional Conference of African Women Ministers and Parliamentarians in Sal, Cape Verde

Good morning. It is a pleasure to be here in Cape Verde for the first time. I would like to personally thank the Government of Cape Verde for hosting this important, and timely, Conference. I would…

"Gender and HIV/AIDS: Reinforcing the National Response", Statement…


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  • 27 Sep 2002
  • Statement

UNFPA Welcomes Timor-Leste into the United Nations Family and Renews Commitment to its Reproductive Health Efforts

UNITED NATIONS, New York, 27 September 2002 - The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) warmly welcomes today's admission of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste as the 191st Member State of the…

UNFPA Welcomes Timor-Leste into the United Nations Family and Renews Commitment…


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  • 24 Sep 2002
  • Statement

Statement to the Second Regular Session of the Executive Board

Mr. President, Distinguished Delegates I sat in this seat almost 21 months ago to present myself for the first time to the members of the Executive Board of the United Nations Development Programme…

Statement to the Second Regular Session of the Executive Board


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  • 21 Sep 2002
  • Statement

Six Billion-Growing Population and Sustainable Development: Will Population Issues Undermine the Achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and Poverty Reduction?

<p>Mr. President, I will argue today that population and reproductive health issues also count because they are the direct and/or indirect underpinning for the achievement of the Millennium…

Six Billion-Growing Population and Sustainable Development: Will Population…

<p>Mr. President, I will argue today that population and reproductive health issues also count because they are the direct…

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  • 16 Sep 2002
  • Statement

Statement to the Informal Panel for Five Heads of State on the New Partnership of Africa's Development

Your Excellencies, I head an organization that deals with one of the thematic areas that cause a great deal of debate at the global level. We just have to remember paragraph 47 of the Plan of…

Statement to the Informal Panel for Five Heads of State on the New Partnership…


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