WorldWide Remote Audit and Monitoring of UNFPA Offices in the East & Southern Africa Region
Issue date:
Audit number: IA/2021-08
Rating: Partially Satisfactory with some improvement needed
WorldWide Remote Audit and Monitoring of UNFPA Offices in the Latin America & the Caribbean Region
Issue date:
Audit number: IA/2021-07
Rating: Partially Satisfactory with some improvement needed
Remote Audit and Monitoring of UNFPA Offices in the Arab States Region
Issue date:
Audit number: IA/2021-06
Rating: Partially Satisfactory with some improvement needed
Audit of the Regional Operations Shared Service Center
Issue date:
Audit number: IA/2021-05
Rating: Some improvement needed
Assessment of the UNFPA Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Process
Issue date:
Audit number: IA/2021-04