Executive Board

Executive Board

Board Documents

Annex I: Corporate evaluations 2015-2017
Annex II: Programme-level evaluations (2016-2017)
Annex III: Evaluation coverage (2016-2018)
Annex IV: Quality assessment (2015)
Annex V: Follow-up of management responses (2012-2016)
Annex VI: Monitoring and evaluation human resources (2014-2016)
Annex VII: Main results of the corporate evaluation of UNFPA support to family planning, 2008-2013
Annex VIII: Main results of the corporate evaluation of UNFPA support to adolescents and youth, 2008-2015
Annex IX: Main results of the study on lessons learned from country programme evaluations, 2014- 2015
Annex X: Implementation of recommendations made in annual report on evaluation for 2014
Annexes to the statistical and financial review, 2016
Annex 1: Scorecard and indicator updates, 2016
Annex 2: Country results and case studies to illustrate the theory of change
Annex 3: Global and regional interventions in 2016
Annex 3.A: Updated global and regional interventions results frameworks
Annex 4: Humanitarian action and resilience-building update, 2016
Annex 5: Implementation of Quadrennial Comprehensive Policy Review, 2016
Annex 6: Data supplement
Annex 7: Supplementary reports that include UNFPA achievements

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