
Donor Rankings, 2023

5th Core Contributions
7th Non Core Contributions
7th Overall Contributions

Donor rankings include UN-to-UN transfers, which are UNFPA's top source of revenue overall.

Democratic values and human rights are the foundation of Danish development cooperation as described in the 2021 Danish Strategy for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Action, entitled “The World We Share”. Denmark will promote and defend human rights, with particular focus on the rights of girls, women and marginalized groups. The strategy sees gender equality and women’s economic and political empowerment as contributing to economic growth and to more equal and democratic societies. Denmark will continue to lead the way in the global fight for gender equality and protection of girls and women’s rights, with a particular focus on sexual and reproductive health and rights.

Building on this foundation, Denmark will use development cooperation to prevent and fight poverty and inequality, conflict and fragility, displacement and irregular migration. This priority places sexual and reproductive health and rights of women and girls in humanitarian settings, gender-based violence among displaced people, and human trafficking at its center. Denmark will also lead the fight to prevent climate change and restore balance to the planet.

Denmark’s financial contribution to UNFPA comes in various forms. The national budget ensures a core contribution to support UNFPA in its efforts to ensure sexual and reproductive health and rights globally; an earmarked contribution to UNFPA Supplies Partnership to widen access to a reliable supply of modern contraceptives and life-saving medicines for maternal health in West Africa; and a contribution to the humanitarian work of UNFPA, as women and girls often face extraordinary burdens in humanitarian crises. 

Key Results 2023

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Maternal deaths averted

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Unintended pregnancies prevented

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Unsafe abortions prevented

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Women and young people reached with integrated sexual and reproductive health services

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Sexually transmitted infections prevented by provision of female and male condoms

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Couple year protections generated

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Women and girls living with obstetric fistula received treatment

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HIV infections prevented by provision of female and male condoms

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Marginalized girls were reached by life skills programmes

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Women, adolescents and youth benefited from the high-quality services related to harmful practices

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Girls saved from female genital mutilation

Key results are for illustrative purposes only, and reflect what a donor has contributed to through funding to UNFPA in 2022. Key results presented here may not reflect the figures provided by government donors.

UNFPA and Denmark
Key results brochure

Contributions Since 2014

  • All
  • 2014
  • 2015
  • 2016
  • 2017
  • 2018
  • 2019
  • 2020
  • 2021
  • 2022
  • 2023

Effective 1 January 2022, UNFPA adopted a new revenue recognition policy; however, for the purposes of this website, information is presented based on previous policy to allow comparability of information across different years.

Effective 1 January 2022, UNFPA adopted a new revenue recognition policy; however, for the purposes of this website, information is presented based on previous policy to allow comparability of information across different years.

2023 | Top
Donor Global Statistics

News & Updates

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Mr. President,
Distinguished Members of the Executive Board,
Colleagues and friends,

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