Kenya Country Case Study Report
Resource date: 01 Apr 2013
Resource date: 01 Apr 2013
The case studies presented below are independent assessments of the UNFPA-UNICEF joint programme support for the acceleration of the abandonment of the FGM/C in Kenya, Burkina Faso, Senegal and Sudan.
The joint programme was found to be highly relevant in light of national and international commitments of the Kenyan government. Moreover it has made significant contributions to strengthening the national environment for the abandonment of FGM/C. In particular, it has enhanced coordination among national and international actors working on FGM/C abandonment in Kenya, and has strengthened the national legal and policy framework, especially through its contribution to the passing of the FGM/C Act in 2011. Also, the joint programme has contributed to enhancing local-level commitment to the abandonment of FGM/C in the targeted geographic areas. Good coordination between UNFPA and UNICEF and the chosen approaches to managing the joint programme have contributed to the adequate use of available resources. Finally, the joint programme has reinforced partnerships and supported the use of promising approaches capable of being replicated or scaled up at national or community levels in Kenya. However, various factors may negatively influence the sustainability of results achieved to date. These include uncertainties related to the elections in Kenya, as well as the fact that the function of a FGM/C coordinator has not yet been institutionalized by the Government of Kenya.