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Investing in girls: Cash incentives help promote gender equality in India
“I am getting financial support for my education from the government, whereas my brother, who is studying in the same school as me, is not eligible for that,” says Guneet*, an adolescent girl currently enrolled in…
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Women widowed by ISIL find hope and support in Iraq
Nadyia had to make a decision. Shortly after members of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as ISIS) seized control of Tall Afar, in north-western Iraq, she says the militants forcibly removed her…
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How the response to Nepal’s earthquake strengthened resources for the nation’s most vulnerable women
Three days after the 7.8 magnitude earthquake that devastated Nepal on 25 April, 2015, forced her to leave her damaged home, Sabina Rimal, age 25, received an unexpected email.
It was an email that ended up not…
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Dispatches from the road: UNFPA Goodwill Ambassador Ashley Judd describes visiting refugees in Jordan
Video and written excerpts from UNFPA Goodwill Ambassador Ashley Judd's written and video diaries about her mission trip to visit Syrian refugees in Jordan.
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Spreading the word: Youth educators provide sexual and reproductive health outreach in Honduras
A quiet student approaches a nondescript wooden box and casually slips in a folded piece of paper. On it is scrawled a burning question. “Can contraceptive pills cause infertility?” As the day goes on, the scenario…
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Two years since the Chibok girls’ abduction: Providing support for women and girls surviving Boko Haram
Two years ago on 14 April, Boko Haram abducted 276 girls from their dormitory beds at a secondary school in Chibok, Nigeria. Yesterday, on the two-year anniversary of their disappearance, a video surfaced showing 15 of…
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Transforming lives by improving access to fistula repair in Nepal
When Rita Devi Chaudhary gave birth to her first child, at age 23, a small, congenital fistula that had caused her mild discomfort since age 10 tore into a much larger injury. As a result, like many of the 2 million…
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Census reaches vulnerable women and girls in a remote area of Myanmar for the very first time
“When people are not counted, they are excluded,” said UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, yesterday during the opening session of the 49th Commission on Population and Development (CPD). “Data and analysis are critical…
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A new mobile app brings the digital revolution to adolescent maternal care in Uganda
For four months, Team GetIn worked late into the night, feverishly coding and brainstorming, dedicated to achieving two main objectives: One, develop a mobile app that could revolutionize maternal care for young mothers…
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