Independent Evaluation Office

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All Evaluation Office Reports

Mid-Term Evaluation of the UNFPA Supplies Programme (2013-2020)

The mid-term evaluation assesses the progress made in the implementation of the UNFPA Supplies Programme from…

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End line evaluation of the H4+ Joint Programme Canada and Sweden (SIDA) 2011 - 2016

The purpose of the evaluation is to support learning among key stakeholders from the experience of…

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Formative evaluation of the UNFPA Innovation Initiative

The purpose of the evaluation was to conduct an evidence based, highly consultative and participative…

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Evaluation of the architecture supporting the operationalisation of the UNFPA Strategic Plan

The primary purpose of the evaluation was to feed into the preparation of the new UNFPA strategic plan with…

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Evaluation of UNFPA support to population and housing census data to inform decision-making and policy formulation (2005-2014)

The purpose of this evaluation is to assess UNFPA support to strengthening national capacity for the…

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