UNFPA Afghanistan

Home to one of the world’s youngest, fastest growing populations, Afghanistan faces challenges exacerbated by conflict, weak governance and cultural barriers, especially in the case of impoverished women and children. UNFPA programmes invest in reproductive health and rights, gender equality, and socioeconomic development; humanitarian assistance and youth issues are priorities in all three areas. Assistance is channelled to replicable programmes in provinces with high rates of poverty and maternal and infant mortality, and where communities are actively engaged in their development.

Data overview View more


Population par tranche d'âge, %
    Population âgée de 0 à 14 ans (en %)
    Population âgée de 15 à 64 ans (en %)
    Population aged 65+

Santé sexuelle et reproductive

Part des naissances encadrées par un personnel de santé qualifié, %, 2014-2019
    Part des naissances encadrées par un personnel de santé qualifié

Planification familiale

Proportion of demand satisfied with modern methods, women aged 15-49, per cent, 2022
    Modern method  


Total net enrolment rate, percent

Gender, Rights, and Human Capital

Decision making on sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights, percent, 2007-2022:
Adolescent birth rate per 1,000 girls aged 15-19, 2024:
Intimate partner violence, past 12 months, percent, 2018:
Decision making on women's own health care, percent, 2007-2022:
Decision making on contraceptive use, percent, 2007-2022:
Decision making on sexual intercourse, percent, 2007-2022:

Pratiques nuisibles

Child marriage by age 18, percent, 2023:
Female genital mutilation prevalence among girls aged 15-19, percent, 2022:
Demographic Dividend: Afghanistan View more

Population Pyramid

Year: 1950
1000 men aged 100+ in 19820 women aged 100+ in 19820 men aged 95-99 in 19820 women aged 95-99 in 1982900 men aged 90-94 in 19820 women aged 90-94 in 19820 men aged 85-89 in 19820 women aged 85-89 in 1982800 men aged 80-84 in 19820 women aged 80-84 in 19824 men aged 75-79 in 19824 women aged 75-79 in 1982705 men aged 70-74 in 19825 women aged 70-74 in 19826 men aged 65-69 in 19827 women aged 65-69 in 19826010 men aged 60-64 in 198211 women aged 60-64 in 198212 men aged 55-59 in 198215 women aged 55-59 in 19825018 men aged 50-54 in 198218 women aged 50-54 in 198225 men aged 45-49 in 198223 women aged 45-49 in 19824031 men aged 40-44 in 198230 women aged 40-44 in 198239 men aged 35-39 in 198236 women aged 35-39 in 19823045 men aged 30-34 in 198242 women aged 30-34 in 198251 men aged 25-29 in 198252 women aged 25-29 in 19822070 men aged 20-24 in 198266 women aged 20-24 in 198291 men aged 15-19 in 198289 women aged 15-19 in 198210110 men aged 10-14 in 1982107 women aged 10-14 in 1982130 men aged 5-9 in 1982127 women aged 5-9 in 19820161 men aged 0-4 in 1982155 women aged 0-4 in 1982age100200300400100200300400
Population in thousands

Espérance de vie

Life expectancy is 54

Total fertility rate

Total fertility rate is 5.75
Select year range
Year : 1982 Note: Years 2017 to 2100 are projected data.
Source: United Nations, Population Division, World Population Prospects: 2017 Revision



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